International Teachers of Software College Sino-foreign Cooperative School Running Program Give Lectures Onsite

作者:对外合作办 时间:2023-05-06 点击数:1778 字号:

On 5th May, the Cooperative Master Degree Program in Software Engineering between Northeastern University and the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) officially launched the lectures onsite to 2022 Grade students. Before the class, students participated in a cultural activity organized by UTA Professor Bhanu Chaturvedi Jain. Professor Bhanu introduced different cultures and customs of European and American countries to the students, and prepared special milk tea and snacks for the students, which shortened the distance between the professor and students, and expanded students’ international vision. After the activity, the students went to the classroom for the first UTA class this semester.

The program enrolled its first batch of students in 2019. Due to the epidemic, international teachers could not teach on NEU campus, and the UTA courses were given online. Professor Bhanu is the first international teacher coming in the program. She will teach DBMS Models and implementation and Design and Analysis of Algorithms to the students for this semester. Teaching onsite will lay a solid foundation for improving the quality of talent training, strengthening bilateral cooperation and exchanges, and promoting the development of international education of Software College.

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